On Thu, 2002-03-07 at 00:45, Julian Opificius wrote:
> Friends,
> What would be a good way to login to my RH7.2 box from a remote location to 
> do things like adding email users, etc? Seems to me there are more secure 
> way than telnet, that are more favored these days, am I right?

absolutely!  ssh is what you want.  fully encrypted including password
auth.  I always use DSA keys that require not only a passphrase but also
a pub key installed in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 that matches the private
keyon the machine you are connecting from.

I also rpm -e telnet

> I suppose I could Webmin, but I'm trying to do it the basic way first 
> before I get lazy on the GUI tools.

Webmin is very cool but by default uses unencryted passwords (not good)
so make sure you install the SSL stuff for it.

> I'm running NAT on a Cisco 678, so if there's a port to open up, pls tell 
> me tell me that too.

This sounds like the thing that will give you the most problems. Is the
host that you are wanting to connect to behind the Cisco in provate ip
address space?  If so you won't be able to see it from outside beacuse
the address won't be routable on a properly configured router.

I have a linus box that is my firewall and use a vpn connection into it
that places my laptop on the internal network for this very reason.

I am assumming you should be able to forward the ssh port (22) to the
internal box but I really don't know anything about the Cisco stuff at


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