On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 14:44, diyanat wrote:
> I administer a redhat 6.1 system having 20 user accounts and occasioanlly
> every week  the /var (256 mb)  partition gets 100 %  full due to mail spool
> and logs and mails gets bounced as it fails to create output due to lack of
> spcae ,  and i have to move the logs manually to other partition
> /usr/logsbackup to make some space  ,
> is there any way i can clear and compress the logs or mails , i think i can
> use logrotate , but i got to figure out how it works , meanwhile ill dig the
> manuals and find out untill someone gives me a tip or two
'man logrotate' should give you all the information you need :)
Basically, it lets you set all kinds of options in a config file
(/etc/logrotate.conf and friends under /etc/logrotate.d) to control the
log rotation, including the maximum log size.

> I also want to change the mail queue and spool from  /var  to other
> partition ,
> how can i go for it
Probably the best way, if you have extra space on your drive or can get
an extra drive, is to make a new partition and mount it at /var/spool.
I've never done this before, but I imagine that you would have to stop
your mailer program (and any other daemons using directories in
/var/spool), copy the contents of /var/spool to the new partition, mount
the new partition, and re-start the mailer and other daemons.

> Thanks In advance
> Ali
You're welcome :) Good luck!

Trevor Hamm

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