No need to reboot. Just restart the 

Francisco Neira Basso
Administrador de Red
Defensoria del Pueblo
Lima, Peru.  -05:00 GMT

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/03/02 22:35 >>>
     You go to /etc/xinetd.d and see the file wu-ftpd. If there is any entry
like "disable yes". You just comment this line and reboot the system.

Dan Simoes wrote:

> New to this list, so hi all.
> I have seen reports of this problem before, with no conclusive solution.
> On a fresh 7.1 install, I can ftp localhost without a problem on the
> box.
> Remote ftp sessions connect, then are "closed by remote host".
> syslog shows nothing interesting.
> I have checked:
> - hosts.allow/deny
> - ftpaccess/ftpuser/etc
> - ipchains
> I've even watched tcpdump traffic and still don't see anything obvious.
> One interesting thing - ftp to the box fails, but telnet to port 21
> works, and I can login with USER and PASS and do a pwd.
> Boggles the mind, doesn't it?
> My coworkers urge me to just get an updated rpm or use proftpd, but I'd
> like to know why this is failing.  I suspect something to do with
> tcpwrappers and reverse lookups, but I'm not sure.  Like I said, I'm not
> the first to see this problem.
> Thanks.
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