Best advice - forget NetMeeting.  If you search through the MS
knowledgebase for NetMeeting and firewalls you will find that NetMeeting
needs the other end to be able to establish a data connection back to you
... on any port.  So, to be able to use NetMeeting you need to have a
pretty open firewall.  Microsoft's bottom line in the knowledgebase
articles is that if you have problems, just remove the firewall.  My
position is that is backwards - just remove NetMeeting.  It is ridiculous
that they cannot create an app that can establish the back end data
channel on one, and only one, port.  Until that happens, NetMeeting and
secure networks are at different poles.

- rick 

On Sun, 10 Mar 2002, Ragnar Wiencke wrote:

> Hi there.
> I installed a Linux box as a router firewall for my home adsl connection. We use MSN 
>on both win and mac boxes and that works just fine until we try to use voice 
>conversation or netmeeting vith video, there are communcation problems. I used it 
>before using the linux router so I know it worked.
> Also I am able to recieve files but cannot send files through MSN.
> Any solution anyone?
> Looking forward to here from you.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ragnar W.

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