Janyne Kizer wrote:
> I am using KDE 2.2.1 and I am having a problem associating .doc files
> with StarOffice 5.2.  Where is this information stored?  I 
> think that I
> am missing a piece of the puzzle since the Mimelink stuff doesn't
> mention an application to execute in order to open the file.  I guess
> that I should also have mentioned that using the file association tool
> seems to work from some users but not others
> Basically, what file(s) need to be edited to associate files with
> programs so that, for example, .doc files will be opened by StarOffice
> automatically?  Can this be set on at the system level or is this
> something that needs to be set for each individual?  Thanks!

Try going to KDE Control Center->File Browsing->File
Associations->Application and highlighting m$ word and adding Star Office in
the application preference order.  

--Tom Wilson

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