On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 23:28:52 +0100
Jochen Kaechelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> quietly intimated:

> I have something like this:
> -rw-rw----    1 birgit   birgit          0 Mär 22 23:23 birgit
> -rw-rw----    1 jochen   jochen    1253759 Mär 22 23:25 jochen
> -rw-rw----    1 mathias  mathias      5200 Mär 22 23:22 mathias
> -rw-rw----    1 nfsnobod nfsnobod        0 Mär 22 19:18 nfsnobody
> -rw-------    1 root     root            0 Mär 22 23:16 root
> I just created a local pop-account in kmail and I try to get the 
> mails in /var/spool/mail/jochen.
> But kmail will not get any mail from this file.
> What's wrong?

I have postfix installed. Here's my "kcsmart" permissions and ownership:

[kcsmart@alan kcsmart]$ ls -l /var/spool/mail/kcsmart
-rw-------    1 kcsmart  postfix      3449 Mar 22 17:41

I believe with sendmail you can replace postfix ownership with mail (i.e
kcsmart.mail). Also, you need to make sure you have pop3 turned on (it's
called ipop3 in the xinetd scripts; I usually control it via ntsysv,
others choose chkconfig). Once you know it's enabled, restart (or
reload) xinetd. I believe pop3 is still part of the imap rpm unless you
choose to run a different version. I just use localhost as the pop
server and also as the smtp server and it all works well.

> I also installes antivir and avmailgate - running ok.
> I told kmail to use "localhost" as smtp on port 25.
> When I send a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" everything works fine.

The smtp stuff is separate and is part of the install no matter what
setup you choose. It allows mail to be sent to root from con tasks for
instance. But, pop isn't there by default unless you chose it to be by
installing imap or some other version. The default install allows one to
read directly from the spool file, whereas pop will pull it out of the
spool file and forward it to the user on request. Again, provided
everything is set up properly.

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