On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 03:27, Alex Iruc wrote:
>       I have the followin situation: I give net access to an user (with
> a real IP address), but he is giving net to another one by using IP
> MASQURADING. I want to filter out, to block any data packet that comes
> from that masqueraded ip. I know that you practycally cannot do that, but
> I also know that the getaway with the real ip puts the real ip in every
> data packet that comes from the masq...but doen not erase the masq ip from
> the data packet....so it's still there somewhere.....:)

No, it's not.  The MASQ gateway keeps a table mapping outgoing ports to
masqueraded hosts.  The private IP is not evidenced in the outgoing
packets.  IIRC, ipchains uses a limited set of the high numbered ports,
but iptables does not.

> How can I block the masq IP ?

Don't provide service to people who violate your terms and conditions.

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