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On 25/03/2002 at 3:57 PM Szemerédy Gábor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/redhat-list] wrote:

>I have sendmail-8.9.3-10 with appropriate sendmail-cf-8.9.3-10 and
>sendmail-doc-8.9.3-10 on my RedHat 6.0 configured and working well.
>Looking on errata there is no new sendmail package on the list.
>For RedHat 6.2 errata recommends upgrade to
>with adequate cf and doc.rpm.
>My questions would be:
>1. Is 8.11.6 recommended to RH 6.0 also?

Officially from RedHat ? Ask them, from me, I say yes.

>2. Can I install 8.11.6-1.6.y from RH 6.2 errata list on RH 6.0?

Should be no problem, you could always re compile if concerned.

>3. After the installation have I to configure the new release from the
>beginning or
>    the installation will take over the configured parameters?
>    ( local domains , aliases , antispamming parameters etc. )

As per all Linux packages....keep a copy of your config files, Upgrade,
then edit new config to suit, one thing to look out for is the package
defaults to only allow local mail, you will need to re generate the .cf
file .... 

Access, aliases, virtual etc will work the same (with some extra available
parameters, see docs)



Greg Wright

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