> > > >Q: How do I make perl run programs in a given directory?
> >
> > So, what now happens is that all the output from running tex is displayed
> > on the webpage.  How do I redirect the output from this to /dev/null ?
> > (So, I still want it to create a .dvi file, but I want all the tex
> > debugging info to not be displayed).
> >
> > I tried running
> > system("cd /path/to/latex/files; latex filename.tex > /dev/null");
> >
> > and that didn't work.
> I'm guessing it's output to stderr you are still seeing. Try
> chdir("/path/to/latex/files") or die "chdir failed: $!\n";
> my $rc = system("latex filename.tex > /dev/null 2>&1");

Beautiful!!  It worked great.

Can you (or anyone else) explain to me the command 
        my $rc


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