My friend had brought up a thread he raised here reguarding not being able
to download the ISO's from the RedHat Network. I was forwarded the answers
he had received one of which I feel has been the downfall of the exceptance
of Linux as well as many other open source software packages. I have
personaly experienced the backlash of comments made without fondation
against Microsoft and other proprietary software first hand through my boss
and about 90 percent of the other employees at my place of employment.
Comments like:

"Not off hand. But I can guarantee a little research can turn it up."

Makes the Linux community look like a bunch of uninformed anti Microsoft
drones. To say something is broken and then say:

"History. Read about it. It's all over the internet, some phony, some

Is not argue the benefits of Linux it only makes the community look like
the only way that their product will make it in mainstream business is not
to point out Linux's pluses and advantages it has over Windows. but instead
make the community look like mud slinging politicians whos only way to win
is by smearing mud in the face of the competition.

Anyways all I am saying is PLEASE don't make Linux out to be better because
Microsoft has a bad history. Instead point out the pluses that running a
Linux server can bring to a buisness. Lets face it folks the old stance
well Linux is more stable and so on will not work for ever even a blind
squirle finds a nut everyonce and a while and face it the latest battery of
Windows OS's have definatly started to prove themselves more stable as the
years have past. Instead we need to focus on the flexiblity of customizing
programs by modifying source that is freely available with out the worries
of high cost and EULA that have over time become even more constraining
over time.


Sorry about the rant its just I hate having to mend the damage this type of
Microsoft flaming causes me in talking my boss into allowing more trouble
free Linux servers into the work place :)


On to the problem just a thought I am not sure how your set up works but
could it be that after following the link to download the ISO that it is
then being redirected to an ftp site uses as does the normal public email for a password anonymous ftp access??? If so I it is
more than likely running into the same problem IE has with
in that the ftp server is rejecting the anonymous password that IE passes
which is "IEUser" which is rejected by the ftp server due to the fact it is
not formated as an email address??? Netscape formats a "fake" email address
off the bat to get around this.

If this is the case if RH was to do away with the email for password or no
access clause in the ftp servers config things should start working.
Besides does anyone actually put a real email address as their password
anyways :)

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