On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 08:33:23PM +0800, David Chao wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> >top and ps will both do what you are looking for.  There's also gtop
> >(GUI Gnome version of top) and gitps (text-based GUI version of ps),
> >and a whole slew of others I'm sure.  top is my favorite, though.
> I once heard somewhere that top does not show an accurate memory usage. How
> true is that? Besides, where can I find an explanation of those columns in
> top? I don't remember seeing them in the manpage. And would you be kind
> enough to point out which columns in top & ps will be of my interest?

Sorry for the delayed response.

I've never heard of top being inaccurate.  I imagine it's close enough
for my purposes. :)

As far as which columns you might be interested in, I guess it depends
on exactly what you are running top to see in the first place.  The
most interesting columns to me are typically the RSS, SHARE, %CPU, and
%MEM columns.  (I checked the manpage and it does tell what they
mean, so I won't elaborate here.)  50% of the times I run top are to
kill a run-away netscrape process. :)


Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

Success is something I will dress for when I get there, and not until.

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