On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

> >This is sub-optimal, for it will destroy a clean    rpm -V
> >verification.  Better to read and edit: /etc/sysconfig/syslog
> >
> >Remember to restart the syslogd
> Wow... thanks! I did not know this.

It is not advertised well -- Old hand Unix admins are so used
to having to hack scripts, that it does not occur to look for
a config file not used in one of the classical variants.  

Most of this happened back in early RH 7.0.  Isolating all
config into the /etc tree is a 'Good Thing' -- tremendously
simplifies disaster recovery.  Leaving the 'executable'
unmodified permits rpm Verification, as I mentioned earlier.

If you find one which is _not_ included, or takes config
outside /etc/ -- Mailman comes to mind -- Bugzilla is your
friend.  CC me and I'll advocate it.

-- Russ Herrold

" ... Improving the breed, one *nix mutant hack at a time. ..."
   -- me

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