Hi folks,

I'm running RH 7.0, and I'm experiencing a perplexing problem.

What I did was:

1) I created a new user in linuxconf called 'carolyn'

2) The main group is 'carolyn'

3) alternative group is 'mcclear'

4) home directory is '/var/www/html/www.mollyjohnson.com'

5) I exited from linuxconf after creating a new password

6) Ownership of the directories is 'carolyn.mcclear'

7) permissions on the directories are 755

What happens incorrectly is:

If I try to 'su carolyn', the prompt I get is 'bash-2.04$' instead of
'carolyn@athena /root$'

Any ideas?

Please excuse my ignorance, but I'm self-taught in Linux.  This summer
I'm going to take the RHCE courses, and when I'm done perhaps I'll be
able to help with answering dumb questions like this one!

Thanks in advance,

Rob Yale

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