** Reply to message from Dan Horth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, 19 Apr 2002 
07:15:55 +1000

> Hi - I've been going through the faq at 
>http://www.tolisgroup.com/gen-faq3.html#remote to see how to setup use of a remote 
>tape drive for backups, and noted on other pages related to setting up rsh / rlogin 
>that it's a potential security risk, and that I should look into ssh instead.
> quick and dirty net diag:
>       Internet
>           |
>           |
>           |
>       Machine 1
>    (Firewall / Gateway)
>           |
>           |
>           |
>       Machine 2 ------------------------Machine 3
> (Proxy / Internet Services            (File Server)
>       / Firewall)
> I was wondering:
> 1) is this really going to be a security risk - the client computer (Machine 3) is 
>on a network separated from the internet by two firewalls, with no real internet 
>access. I trust my users and they don't have shell access to any servers at any rate. 
>The only threat I perceive is from the internet. The server would be the proxy server 
>(Machine 2) and I'd imagine an intruder would have to hack through the firewall, then 
>break into the second firewall / proxy server / rsh server to to anything 
>interesting. I'd be blocking any rsh type action between the two firewalls, and 
>limiting rsh action to only occur between the proxy and file servers
> 2) can ssh be used to replace rsh in driving remote tape drives like this
> 3) has anyone had any experience / can share any configuration files to help me with 
>my setup.
> I'm sure there was another question - but it's too late at night (early in the 
>morning) and I can't think right now! Hoping to set this up tomorrow so any ideas 
>would be appreciated.

Dan - If you ssh to the firewall, and then ssh from the firewall to an internal box, 
then everything is travelling along an encrypted path.


Jack Bowling

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