On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 17:44, Bret Hughes wrote:
> I have dug aroung until I am blue in the fingertips trying to figure out
> what happens when I hit the print button in gvim.  It prints a really
> nice syntax highlighted document but when it gets to my hp5si printer it
> is looking for a4 paper to print it on.  I don't use a4 paper.  
> Does anyone know where the macro or what ever it is that gets run to
> generate the pretty print stuff is?  Or alt least where I can change the
> default paper layout?
> running the latest vim enhanced on a RH 7.2 box
> [bhughes@bretsony scripts]$ gvim --version
> Gnome vim 6.0

neeeveeeer miiind.  I think I found it.

The command run  is :hardcopy
:set printoptions=paper:letter
should fix it.  Big job in the queue so we will see.

Sorry for the wasted bandwidth.  Never fails I get pissed I can't find
something, ask on the list and then think of something else to try.


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