On 22:23 20 Apr 2002, Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 18:31, Ian Hendershot wrote:
| > [...]
| > Choose Open.  
| > If I choose 
| > close window on exit:  never
| > I get "connection closed by remote host". 
| I can't imagine that bastile does not set up firewalling.  What does
| ipchains -L 
| show?  I guess it could also be an iptables setup I don't know the list
| command for iptables but I would probably try iptables -L :)

It won't be this. If it were ipchains you'd get connection refused (or a
"connection timed out" if the firewall rule was written by an arsehole);
this is the giveaway distinguishing symptom of tcpwrappers - it gets in
before ssh, but _after_ the TCP connection, so atcpwrapper blockage gets
connect and instant disconnect, as opposed to outright rejection.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

The doctrine of eminent domain, which allows the government to steal anything
it wants, is regarded with repugnance by most people, but lawyers say it is
legal and proper, because government has been stealing things for a long time.
        - Robert Anton Wilson

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