
Can't remember where I got this years ago when I also personally discovered
that MS-DOS Fdisk was a weak little creature.  This is about the easiest way
I have ever found to totally wipe a disk clean, even the MBR, regardless of
what software configured it.

Boot your system from a MS-DOS floppy disk.  Type:

debug (press enter)

Type in everything between "<" and ">" exactly as shown, but do not type the
"<" or the ">" or anything outside the "<" and ">".

-<F 220 L1000 0> (press enter)
-<A CS: 100> (press enter)
xxxx:0100<MOV AX,301> (press enter)
xxxx:0103<MOV BX,200> (press enter)
xxxx:0106<MOV CX,1> (press enter)
xxxx:0109<MOV DX,80> (press enter) note: use "80" for first HDD, "81" for
second HDD, etc.
xxxx:010C<INT 13> (press enter)
xxxx:010E<INT 20> (press enter)
XXXX:0110(press enter) note: this is very important, don't skip
-<G> (press enter)
Program terminated normally

Now, reboot system and use Fdisk to partition and prepare for MS-DOS.

I am 99.9% certain I have not mistyped anything (I checked it 3 times), but
just in case I will utilize the standard disclaimer:

I accept absolutely no responsibility for your use or inability to use any
of the above.  You do so at your own risk.


P.S.  Undocumented command:

fdisk /mbr (press enter) will remove the Master Boot Record

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Talkington
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:05 PM
> Subject: Re: Format RH 7.1 PC for WIN98
> Hash: SHA1
> Ross Cooney wrote:
> >I was able to get 2Gb of space out of one of the Linux
> partitions using
> >FDISK, but I cant get the other partitions back...How do I
> get the RedHat
> >partitions back so I can format for Win98?
> Microsoft's fdisk is a crippled little beast that only understands
> Microsoft partitions.  There are lots of things it can't delete.  I
> especially like when it tells you that you can't delete an extended
> partition because there are logical drives inside it, and then tells
> you that there are no logical drives defined.
> To do what you're trying to do, you could use Caldera DR-DOS, which is
> much smarter.  You might also be able to run the Red Hat installer and
> use fdisk to delete all existing 82/83 partitions and save
> changes, then
> abort the install.  I also sometimes do this by booting to an OpenBSD
> disk, which has quite powerful disk utilities at its disposal, and
> doesn't try to second-guess me.
> - -d
> - --
> David Talkington
> PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6
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