I just have a question that may not be a major deal - I sometimes
install programs that are not in rpm format - I'm unarchiving, doing the
./configure/make/make install dance. When all is said and done, I
'think' the program is installed, but when I pull up a package listing,
it still lists the older version.

Is it better to use the 'rpm -[options] [program.rpm]' instead of using
the Red Hat Package manager that's available thru the menus? I seem to
have better luck with the command line routine. The Package Manager said
that there was an error installing Samba 2.2.3a but it seems to be
running fine and the Webmin Package lister shows the correct version.

Also - I'm planning to upgrade Apache to the new 2.0.35 - any pointers
or anything I need to be aware of? Any problems? Any special
installation procedures I need to do? Is anyone using Webadmin with the
new version and do I need to dload a new Webmin module to configure it?

I hate being a newbie. :P


<Now back to my coffee> :)

Jim Hale
Jim & Kathy's MIDI & Audio Website

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