I'm reposting this to keep the thread alive.


> >From: christopher j bottaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 18:10:38 -0500
> >
> >does the readme have any special instructions for the geforce4?  i've looked 
> >through it and didn't find anything.
> >
> >i just got a geforce4 mx 440 and it doesn't work well with redhat-7.2's 
> >xfree86-4.1.0 (fully updated by up2date).  i downloaded and installed the 
> >latest nvidia drivers (just the same with my geforce2 and geforce3 cards 
> >which all work great btw).
> >
> >starting the xserver is fine.  starts up, quake3 runs great, etc.  but when i 
> >shutdown the xserver, the screen goes black and stays black.  i can still 
> >type commands at the console (i just can't see what i'm typing) and i can 
> >even restart the xserver (which runs fine again).
> >
> >this was a real pain the butt, so i gave my geforce4 card to my roommate.  
> >anyone got any solutions so i can grab it back from him?  ;)
> >
> >thanks for the help,
> >christopher
> >
> >>On Monday 29 April 2002 10:55 am, Kirk wrote:
> > >Geforce4 works great, get the driver RPMS from NVidia.
> > >Check NVidia Readme first.
> > >Kirk
> >>
> > >At 12:41 PM 4/29/2002 +0100, you wrote:
> > >>Hi all,
> > >>
> > >>I maybe looking at a GForce 4MX 440 card (either XFX or MSI) from CCL
> > > >soon, but seem to remember somewhere that X has a problem with them.
> > >>
> > >>Anyone got any experience/advice on the subject?
> > >>
> > >>--
> > >>Gary Stainburn
>    Some video drivers are not very good about returning the terminal to the defaul 
>    When you leave X, and are at the black screen, type any or all of the following:
>                                  stty sane
>                                  reset
>                                  export TERM=vt100
>    The  'normal'  term setting is 25rows x 80 cloumns. You can check to see your 
>settings with:
>                                              stty -F /dev/tty1 size
>    As a workaround:  If a 'reset' works, you could map some combination of keyboard 
>keys to do the reset. And, lasly, you may have changed /etc/termcap or the part of 
>your .bash_profile or .bashrc that establishes terminal type.
>       Regards,
>        Tom

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