turns out the password prompt i was getting was due to the fact that my
win98 box was sending encrypted password info, while samba was expecting
unencrypted.  the only problem i have now, is that my home dir
(/home/gabriel) is appearing as to shares (homes and gabriel).

now my smb.conf looks like this:

 security  = user
 workgroup  = workgroup
 encrypt passwords = yes
 smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

 guest ok  = no
 read only  = no
 create mask  = 0700
 directory mask  = 0700
 locking  = no
 browseable  = yes
 public   = yes

 path   = /home/hephaestus
 valid users  = @hephaestus
 force group  = hephaestus
 comment  = welcome to hephaestus
 browseable  = yes
 public   = yes
 writeable  = yes
 printable  = no
 force create mode = 0664
 force directory mode = 0775
 inherit permissions = yes

----- Original Message -----
> Hash: SHA1
> >my dilemma is pretty simple:
> >
> >/home/site0/
> >/home/site1/
> >/home/site2/
> >...
> >all different users on the system
> >all different sites
> >
> >if i can't have windows access them each individually
> >with each one authenticating with a username/pass
> If each site has multiple users, then Samba's built-in [homes] share will
> not work for you. You will need to setup "security = user" and an
> smbpasswd file for encrypted passwords.
> Each directory will have to have it's permissions and ownership set to
> allow the proper access. I would add each user to a group created for
> their site in /etc/groups:
> site0:x:101:user1,user2,user3
> site1:x:102:user4,user5,user6
> site2:x:103:user7,user8,user9
> Then set the directory permissions and ownership:
> cd /home
> chown root.site0 site0  (owned by root & accessible to group)
> chmod ug+rwx site0      (root & group have read/write)
> chmod g+s site0         (group ownsership is inherited by subdirs)
> chmod o+rx site0        (world readable)
> Then in smb.conf, make the shares look like this:
> [site0]
>   # Per-site settings
>   path = /home/site0
>   valid users = @site0
>   force group = site0
>   # Generic settings
>   comment = Your Web pages
>   browseable = no
>   public = no
>   writeable = yes
>   printable = no
>   force create mode = 0664
>   force directory mode = 0775
>   inherit permissions = yes
> [site1]
>   copy = site0
>   path = /home/site1
>   valid users = @site1
>   force group = site1
> [site2]
>   copy = site0
>   path = /home/site2
>   valid users = @site2
>   force group = site2
> Tony

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