On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 02:32:24PM +0100, Mark Ridley wrote:
> Hi all,

> Can anyone tell me if 2gb file support is included in RedHat 7.3? I am
> currently running 7.2 which, although can store files of 2gb+ on the
> filesystem, struggles with large files when using things like ftp and wget.

        From what I can tell from the last couple of days, the answer is
"it depends".  I'm able to manipulate and work with files larger than 2 Gb
in MOST cases.  One really BAD exception is perl.  Perl appears to be
unhappy with opening a large file.  I needed to examine a 3 Gb disk
image using Lazarus from The Coroner's Toolkit and discovered that it
would not open the file unless I broke it into two chunks less than 2 Gb
in size.

> Is 7.3 the answer for me? Will wget and ftp be fixed for this release for
> large file support?

        Someone else will have to answer for those two utilities.

> Cheers.
> --
> Mark Ridley aka Stikky

 Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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