On 09:40 15 May 2002, dbrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I though the ports started at 5800?

The HTTP connection which serves an embdedded Java VNC viewer starts
at 5800.  The VNC service itself starts at the matching 5900 port.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

John M Feiereisen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Fine.  Now could you give us some pointers on farting in a
: one-piece rainsuit?
Wait 5 seconds, pull collar open, lower helmet so the vapors can flow in 
freely, inhale deeply.  Ahhh, next best thing to legalized drugs.  YMMV 
with other people's farts.
        - Jonathan G. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Know Fear"

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