On Mon, 20 May 2002 18:49:52 +0700
Kevin Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to change my lines per screen to 50. I've tried vga=9 in
> my lilo.conf, but this keeps changing when the font is set in the
> rc.sysinit script. What do I need to do to get the full 50 lines - or
> where can I go for more info on console fonts, lines, and chars per
> line?
> Thanks for your time.

I don't know the "proper" way, but I renamed /sbin/setsysfont to
something else, created another one that is essentially empty excepting
the very first line (#!/bin/bash), made sure it was executable, and
moved on. That's the file that is overwriting your desires.

I also modified mkbootdisk to autodefault to using the changes I like
(particularly adding the 'vga=...' line to it's output) so when I made a
bootdisk and had to use it, it would use my settings, too. But, that's
another story altogether.

If you update initscripts, it will overwrite the change. Might wanna
keep that in mind.

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