> I installed RH 7.2 and used 'cdrecord' to write CD
'cdrecord' only writes an image to the disk; the file names get
decided when creating the filesystem image for the cd (the input you
feed to cdrecord).

> but the Files in CD are displayed in 8.3 file format not long file name
Assuming you've used mkisofs to create the filesystem image, do you
know about/use the '-r' or '-R' option (use RockRidge extensions;
which allows usage of "long" file names etc.)?

If you want to use the CD in an M$ system as well, maybe also add '-J'
to write M$s proprietary Joliet filesystem.

So long,

"I use emacs, which might be thought of as a thermonuclear
 word processor."
-- Neal Stephenson, "In the beginning... was the command line"

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