On 15:16 21 May 2002, Bubulac Tatiana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|     I want to terminate a parent process that attach several shared
| memory segments
| with kill(pid, SIGTERM) but it fails to terminate.
|     Even if I give the command from command line it fails to terminate.
|     If I give kill -9 pid it terminates but the shred memory segments
| remains.
|     Why I cannot terminate it with  SIGTERM signal?
|     "....
|     status = kill ((pid_t)pid, SIGTERM);
|      printf("status = %d\n", status);
|     ...."
| The status is 0. The pid is correct.

If the status is zero then your signal _was_ delivered.
Most likely the parent process is catching (or ignoring) SIGTERM
and just being rude and unhelpful by not dying.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

Education, Not Prohibition.

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