If you have compiled support for ext3, and any scsi/raid drivers need 
to access your drives.  You don't need an initrd.

Ted Gervais wrote:
> I normally compile up new kernels manually editing the lilo.conf file as I go 
> along.  I find there is a line in that file from before that reads:
>        initrd=/boot/initrd-2.4.18-3.img
> I read about what that img is for but how do you add that to an new lilo.conf 
> entry?  Or is it somehow created and than you add it.
> Possibly it is among those files you copy over by hand.  Like the 
> /usr/src/linux/System.map and ./arch/i386/boot/bzImage.. ???
> Am I on the wrong track?  Where/how do I get that *img file put into the /boot 
> directory.

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