On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 09:25:01AM +0800, Huter.Liu wrote:
> hi,everyone!
>I'm using rh7.2,but my machine is hackered recently,I open wu-ftpd
>and www server only,I really don't know how the hacker cracked in,I
>guess maybe is from wu-ftpd,the ftp server,now I found there is a tcp
>link: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
> tcp        0      0 My IP:41430      ESTABLISHED
> What this mean?
>the ps and netstat command is unusable,I download the psproc and
>net-tools rpms and upgrade the two package,so I found the strange
>41430 port,but when I use ps aux|less found the running process looks
>like quite well,what should I do next step?

Standard procedure in such unfortunate situations:

-Unplug/disconnect from Network.
-Back up any personal data. Do _not_ back up any system files like
configuration files.
-Find installation disks, re-install while reformatting all partitions
as you go.
-Restore personal backups.
-Disable all outside/public services.
-Apply all errata updates from Red Hat or mirror.
-Re-examine local policies, i.e. 'should I run services that have a
really bad track record for exploits, and if so, how can I make this
harder for the next time'
-Re-connect to network, and run up2date at least once a day.

The reason being someone else seems to have root access on your
machine, and may have multiple backdoors that are well concealed, and
you many never find them all.

Hal Burgiss

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