> I'm trying to upgrade a machine runing 6.2 to 7.3. The bootable CD runs
> until it says this:
> running /sbin/loader
> install exited abnormally -- received signal 11
> and then it sends termination signals...
         I feel so many people might have experienced this problem in the past because 
whenever there is a 
major version difference there is a lot of changes takin place from the earlier 
bootable kernel images to the
present one. (this is my guess if any one has the actual facts pls enlighten on this 
so the best way to counteract is to backup all the relevent user data/config files. 
and then begin a fresh
7.3 install. also we can make sure that this kind of problems do not repeat in the 
future by keeping our systems 
up2date by moving to the new version/releases as they are made available thru stable 


Ramakrishna        | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Exocore Consulting | http://www.exocore.com
Bangalore, India   | +91 (80) 344-0397

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