ebinc did pen these words on  6/12/02 at 10:23 AM

>I am tying to view my red hat computer remotely (As if I were at a
>is that possible? I have the trial version of secure crt has anyone
>that, if so could you please let me know how?

I'm not familiar with the Secure CRT, so like has already been mentioned on
this list, I'd recommend using Putty to connect in via SSH.  However if you
need to see the GUI for your Red Hat box, then perhaps you should look into
VNC.  Heck, if you set up the vncserver & sshd correctly; you should be
able to tunnel vnc through ssh for extra security.  Mind, that's what I've
read and I plan on trying to set that up someday but it's pretty far down
on my to do list.

Mark McKibben     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ#  8476502

Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking.  There
is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions.
Nothing pains some people more than having to think.
 - Martin Luther King Jr.

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