> From: "Matthew Bradford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> whew.. that was a mouth full. :-)

That was nothing...There was still a bunch of stuff I left out! Ha...I
guess that's what happens when you try for a really long time to fix
something yourself and then finally throw up your hands and ask for help --
details get lost in the recanting of what one went through in the first

> AFAIK iptables is the 2.4 kernels version of ipchains.  So if you get a 2.4
> kernel for 7.0 then you might be ok with that.  There is also nothing
> against tryin to install the kernel from 7.3 and iptables from 7.3 on your
> 7.0 box.  Then again, 7.0 is probably Red Hat's buggiest release... probably
> not something you want to run a firewall on. :-)

Whew...I'm not sure I even want to try to install the 7.3 kernel and
iptables into my machine...I have no idea what it would do to my machine,
honestly...But thank you for the suggestion, and I'll keep it in mind...

> So this brings us to your 7.1 issue.  When at the FUBAR'ed graphical login
> simply hit ctrl+alt+f2 (the function key not F, 2) and that gives you a text
> login.  From there login as root and edit your /etc/inittab.
> close to the top of the file you should see a line that reads:
> id:5:initdefault:
> change it to
> id:3:initdefault:
> Save it and be done with that. :-)  As far as why the X login restarts when
> you hit ctrl+alt+bkspc.. that is a line at the bottom of the inittab file.
> It is made to respawn.  (In case X crashes it will come back)  I would
> suggest leaving that line in tact.

Ah-ha! Awesome! That's exactly the kind of tip I needed...Thanks!

> Anyway, as for your X issues... i didn't even know Xconfigurator was taken
> out in 7.3  that saddens me. :-)

Xconfigurator is (as far as I can tell) still around and accessible through
"setup" (I believe that's what I'd been using during both the install and
now after getting a text login in 7.1)...

"linuxconf", on the other hand, is gone as of 7.1. I don't know how the
hell I'm going to set up multiple ethernet cards easily without it, but
that's another story...

>  Anyway as for 7.1 and 7.2 i have always
> found that using the generic monitor settings work for me.  My favorite is
> the "Monitor that can do 1280x1024 at 60hz" (or something similar)  And then
> select the 50-100hz option.  That has yet to do me wrong with any SVGA
> monitor I've had.

Among the aforementioned details I left out was that I did try to do
exactly as you suggested, and pick a "custom" monitor during the X setup.
No workie. 

However, during the Xconfigurator setup after my text login to 7.1, I
noticed the same difference with 7.1 as with 7.3 from 7.0 -- upon
"Probe"-ing, both of the later versions list the "X Server" for my card as
"None"! 7.0, on the other hand, listed the X Server for my video card as
"XF86_SVGA". So...My question (for now) appears to be this: 

How do I force Xconfigurator 4.9.27 (the version that came with 7.1, at
least), to use XF86_SVGA as my X server? 

I think (hope? pray?) that this will solve my problem...And perhaps then I
can get on to the headier task of getting a second PCMCIA card running
without using linuxconf. [furrowing brow]

Again, thanks in advance for any help...


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