On Sun, 2002-06-23 at 15:20, Joost wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to use another MAC-address for eth0 so that I can use another 
> nick for the connection with my ISP (the DHCP-server uses the MAC for 
> authorization). I accomplished this with the following command:
> ifconfig eth0 hw ether ..........
> I'd like to know where to put this in order to have it executed at 
> system start before the lease is acquired. My OS is Redhat 7.3.

The cleanest way that I see to do this wouldbe to set the ONBOOT
variable in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/icfg-eth0 to no and then run
your ifconfig and ifup eth0 from /etc/rc.d/rc.local

rc.local gets run after everything else so you might end up with timing
issues if you have any services started that depend on the interface to
be up.

at least this puts user/admin stuff where I normaly think to look for

Another alternative is to place something in /sbin/ifup-pre-local that
would check to see if the interface underconsideration is eth0 and if so
do your ifconfig statment.  This actually is more elegant IMHO but again
I am loath to put local stuff in /sbin/

Both of these methods should survive an upgrade I belive.

FWIW here is the code in /sbin/ifup that would call the ifup-pre-local:

if [ -x /sbin/ifup-pre-local ]; then
    /sbin/ifup-pre-local ${DEVICE}

so a simple test like :

if [ $1="eth0" ] ;then
        logger "setting hw MAC address for $1"  
        ifconfig .....

should get you going.



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