I did an upgrade of 7.3 over 7.2.  The installation failed on the third 
CD after upgrading most of my system.  I manually upgraded the rpms that 
were on the third CD.  The login screen says Valhalla and uname reports 
the kernel to be 2.4.18-3.  I am also using KDE 3.0.  However, the RPM 
database still thinks I'm using 7.2 packages.  The RedHat Network shows 
the system as a 7.2 system my RPM commands show the kernel version as 
2.4.7-10 and the KDE packages to be at release 2.  I tried doing an rpm 
--rebuilddb, but the results of my rpm queries still show the old kernel 
and kde packages.  RHN wants to upgrade my KDE 2 packages (a bad idea, 
since I'm using KDE 3).  Does anyone have any idea how to get rpm to 
reflect the actual packages that were installed?  My best theory is that 
the RPM gets updated at the end of the install and since the install 
failed, it didn't get updated.  Help!

Stephen Gevers

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