
After a more or less routine upgrade from 7.1 to 7.3, the system now
locks up w/ the dreaded "LI".  (I can boot just fine w/ a boot disk and
have a fully functional system.)  

It's my understanding that this has something to do w/ the MBR and the
1024 cylinder limit?  LILO worked fine in 7.1, giving me the choice of
booting into a Windoze NT installation on hda1 (which I cannot access at
all now) or into the default Linux.

I'm guessing that LILO must have been installed somewhere other than the
MBR before the upgrade (I don't recall- I set the partitions up w/
'Partition Magic' over a year ago).  During the upgrade, I just went w/
the recommended "default" LILO installation, and I guess this must have
messed things up. 

How do I fix this now?  Do I need to remove LILO from the MBR and write
it elsewhere?  If so, how is this done?  Any advice would be greatly
appreciated.  (I do, unfortunately, need to access the NT installation
from time to time for work-related tasks.  Otherwise, I'd be fine w/
just booting from a floppy, since I almost never shutdown.)  

Thanks in advance, 


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