On Jue 27 Jun 2002 09:29, Tyler Durdin wrote:
> 2 questions. First, how do I change permissions on a file to make it
> writable by everone? Second, how do i chage permission on a file to have it
> writeable only by me (or root user)? Thanks.

ls -l and see who is the user and group of the file. Then use chmod to change 
permissions on the file. a+w makes it writable for everybody. a-w makes is 
not writeable for anybody, and u+w makes it writeable for the owner of the 
file. You'll need chown will change the owner of the file.

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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