On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 02:27:43PM -0700, Dale Scott wrote:
> I did subscribe and have been receiving numerous email each day, each of 
> which contains a number of interesting posts.  My question is, how the heck 
> does one respond to a post if you can't access the on-line system and the 
> postings are in a digest form?

You want to burst the digests so they appear to your email client as
separate addresses.  Then you can just reply to the individual messages
as you normally would.  Assuming you have a working procmail setup, just

| formail +1 -ds >>redhat-list

to your ~/.procmailrc.

I believe this is mentioned in the procmailex manpage.  However if you
don't have a working procmail setup yet, there are quite a few links at
I used the Procmail Quickstart by Nancy McGough as a guide on my
machine.  It was clearly written and the setup she suggests works just fine.

This may seem like a lot of work just to burst email digests.  But
procmail can be very useful in other ways as well--for instance, killing
spam.  I installed spamassassin (spamassassin.taint.org) a month or so
ago, and have not received even one piece of spam in my inbox.  Very
highly recommended!

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