On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 12:49, underground wrote:
> Hi..
> I have a server with 2 Nic cards, one card is directly to my router with IP
> real.
>  my server first nic card configured with real IP
> the other nic goes to a hub where all my internal LAN Pc's resides.
>  my server second nic card configured with local LAN IP
> the LAN machines are from to
> the problem :
> I can ping from the server to all LAN machines an from LAN machines to the
> server. that's ok.
> BUT I can't see the net from the server!!!
> the route between eth0 and eth1 isn't working?
> how do i configure that?
> what's wrong??? what I'm missing?
> thx for your help...

Ok, you cannot reach the internet from any box correct?

You need masquerading setup on the server for the lan boxes to connect
to the internet /or/ use some sort of proxy.

If the server cannot access the internet, then your firewall rules are
blocking it or your network card (internet) is not configured.

Assuming you tried pinging by ip from the server and you can't reach the
internet, run /sbin/ifconfig and /sbin/route from the server and post
output here.  Otherwise, put the proper entries in /etc/resolv.conf for
your dns and restart networking /etc/init.d/network restart  The output
there should show if eth0 and eth1 is up.

After you get the server online (you can ping a host on the internet)
then you can setup iptables and a firewall with masquerading and ip
packet forwarding so the lan boxes can get online.


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