BG wrote:
> Quite the contrary, Rickf.  With the use of the Nvidia drivers OpenGL and
> other graphics tools are available.  OpenGL is not available with the Nvidia
> cards when using the RH boxed driver.

Please re-read what I wrote below.  It clearly states that I believe the
basic nv driver (provided by Red Hat's XFree86 release) supports basic
functionality, but won't support openGL, etc.  I also stated that the
nvidia drivers support everything.

Not so contrary... 8^)


> Nvidia does an excellent job keeping up with new releases of RH as well.  I
> think they had new drivers for 7.3 in RPM format posted on their website in
> less than 1 month after the release of 7.3.  I have to say that considering
> the power of the Nvidia hardware and software the combination have to be one
> of the smoothest installs I've ever done in any Linux system with any
> hardware.  Just adding a new disk drive to an existing system is more work
> than installing an Nvidia card and software.

> >
> > The nvidia drivers will support everything up through the GeForce 4.
> > I've done the kernel rebuild with a GeForce2 already, am picking up a
> > GeForce 4 card today or tomorrow, so will be doing it again tonight.
> > Should be interesting.
> >
> > I would imagine the basic nv driver should work for the
> > GeForce4, but as
> > is the case with all of the nvidia cards, won't support
> > openGL, advance
> > features, etc.

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