In redhat7.2, using pxe to netboot a diskless workstation, 
with dhcpd setup and tftp(enable, server_arg= -s /tftpboot),
I put vmlinux made from using mknbi-linux to compile bzImage under
no firewalls, in /etc/hosts.allow write in: in.tftpd: 192.168.0.
but after diskless workstation get ip of; it appeared
"tftp." for a very short while, then went to no response.
  In server, I take "tail -f" and saw that:
"server in.tftpd[2397]:tftp:client does not accept options".
    So then I edited tftp to change server_arg= /tftpboot(erase -s)
then the client appeared:
PXE-T02: Access violation
PXE-E3C: TFTP Error - Access Violation

So how to deal with it?

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