posted this once already
but for some reason it didn't show up
so if if this appears twice, please accept my appologies


i've just aquired an old sony 2x usb cdr drive here and i have absolutely no
idea how to make it work under redhat 7.2.  upon turning it on, the machine
made some noise, perhaps recognising the thing, but it didn't appear on my
kde desktop, and outside of that, i have no idea how to see the drive, let
alone write to a blank disc inside it.

something else to note here is that i already have a cdrom in the machine,
so this makes two cd drives.  i don't know if this makes a difference other
than /dev/cdrom obviously can't point to both.

so my questions are these:

  - how can i tell it's recognised?  (can't i "ping" it or something?)

  - how do i make it work if it's not recognised?

  - how do i write to a cd inside?
     .what software do i use?

a couple links is all i really need here, but any information the list could
provide would be o so helpful.

daniel. a. g. quinn

be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity
 - horace mann, first president, antioch college.

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