>  Hei all
>  I would be interested in knowing how this relates
> to sendmail.
>  I'm not very knowledgeable about mail but the error
> message
>  suggests that the problem is that the
> intrasystems.blah.blah
>  in not resolvable and that the redhat mailserver
> has been configured
>  not to accept mail from none resolvable hosts.
>  I suppose you should either configure your mta
> (local mail server) or
>  mua (email client) to use another from address
> (your yahoo address should do)
>  or get your domain name info in some domains dns
> records.
>  Hope someone will correct me if I am wrong!
>  t.irvine
intrasystems.com.br is resolvable... but not reverse
resolvable. I guess the problem is when my sendmail
connects to redhat SMTP server. It seem that it tries
to figure out who am I (reverse DNS) from my IP. And
than, it does not get to intrasystems.com.br... it
gets to the name my ISP gave me instead. 

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