On Sat, 6 Jul 2002 15:28:16 -0500
Price Technology <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are they returns or first time migrations ??
> I consider RedHat to be the defacto standard Linux distribution.  More
> people have heard of RedHat than any other.  That's the reason I chose
> RedHat in the beginning and the reason I'm sticking with it.
> I've had others try to convince me to follow other distributions and
> some have given compelling, alomost convincing, reasons.  When you
> start looking for books on the subject however, RedHat has been
> written about more than any other, surpassing even Linux itself.  (No
> I don't have any statistics here, just my observations.  Call me old
> fashioned, but I'm a book freak)
> I'd say it's probably not a question of returning to RedHat so much as
> it's a question of migrating from somewhere else.
> Joebewan

May I poke a small hole in that theory? Sorry just have to..lol.
Nothing personal.
I did start off with Redhat around 6.2 I think it was. Then found
Mandrake and used that for a short time. I got frustrated with
dependancy problems when trying to install/upgrade programs I
to use. So in my search I found SuSE. I have used SuSE longer than
any distro, keep in mind I have only been using linux for about two
years. But with the newest version of SuSE I started having the
frustraitions of dependancies as I did with Mandrake.
Now I am using Red Hat 7.3 and am soo amazed at the lack
of dependancy problems I have had with it. Keep up the good
work Red Hat!
Red Hat takes a little more knowledge to operate than the above
mentioned distro's in my opinion, but well worth it.
I see a trend in linux distro's. A trend that is more geared to
the Windows user thats migrating. Easier to install so they don't 
have to learn very much to get a linux system up. This is all
fine, but I think some distro's are losing sight of linux and 
the apeal of configuring it yourself without a dependancy problem
with every new program install or upgrade.

I guess these other distro's beleive your either to stupid to
run linux so they make it easy, or they figure your such a 
linux geek you can deal with the dependancies. I think I'm somewhere 
in the middle there. I'm not a complete idiot about linux, but
I'm far from guru status. Red Hat is just right for me.

Bourne again RedHat User

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