
Thank you for your wonderful insight.  I followed your instructions and 
everything is back to normal.  I had seen a sighup log entry that simply has 
a time/date stamp, then says sighup received - restarting.  I assumed (yeh I 
know) that the server had been restarted.  It was shortly after that when I 
noticed it was acting up.

Anyway, problem solved - thanks to you.  Appreciate it.


I'm sure someone answered this question several days ago, but here goes:

> First off, understand I'm a total newbie.  I saw a posting the other
> day where someone mentioned that they were running Apache 1.3.23.  One
> of the responders commented on how insecure that was and that the
> original poster should upgrade to a newer release.  This bothered me as
> I'm running Apache 1.3.22.  I fired up GnoRPM, clicked on WebFind, and
> looked for something newer.  I could not find an RPM for RH7.2 that was
> newer then the one I've got.   Then I went to RH's download section and
> was dismayed to find that when one does a search on 'Apache' you get
> nothing back.So, my first question is:
> Where can I find a newer version of Apache in RPM format for RH 7.2?

apache-1.3.22-6 is the most current rpm version for Red Hat 7.2. It 
contains backported fixes, and should not be a problem. The official 
updates from the Apache group were merged into Red Hat's current Apache 
version. While the version number is behind the official Apache release, 
the fixes have been Incorporated.

> A couple of days later I received an errata notice from RH indicating
> that they had a security patch for Apache (RHSA-2002:103-18).  I loaded
> it Monday afternoon and everything seemed fine but during the early
> morning hours on Tuesday my httpd server tried to restart and it barfed
> when it came to any entry in the config file that referenced
> modules/mod_log_config.so. That file appears to be corrupted.  As a
> temporary workaround, I commented out all references to that file in
> the httpd config and restarted the server. Now I'm trying to find where
> I can download a fresh copy of mod_log_config. I'm assuming it is part
> of a higher level package but don't have a clue which one.
> Can someone tell me where I might find a fresh copy of this file?

Restore your httpd config file to it's old state, and restart the httpd 
process. The update didn't force a restart, and this is the cause of the 
error messages.
Just run "/sbin/service httpd restart" and the errors should go away.

> Later yesterday I discovered that my php parser had quite working
> properly.   I suspect this is also related to my having installed the
> errata upgrade.
>  Any idea how I might resolve this?

This may be related to the httpd restart.

> Last question - what the heck is SIGHUP and why does it keep occuring?

see "man 7 signal" for what it means, and it is probably happening when 
log rotate tries to rotate the http server logs.

- -- 
- -Michael

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