On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 10:28:32AM -0100, Josep M. wrote:
> I´m thinking in put a firewall for protect my home computers,and buy a
> cheaper computer and do firewall using rh73 and iptables,no X
> environement,just basic os for a firewall.
> The speed of my ADSL is 256 Kb/s ,will be enough with a Pentium-120
> with 48 RAM?

This is more than enough for a firewall machine.  In fact, with ipcop or
some similar firewall distribution you could get by with much less.  I'm
building a firewall right now out of a discarded a 486/100 with 16mb ram
and a 200mb hard drive.

Another possibility is clarkconnect, which is a specially stripped down
version of redhat.  It's a firewall but also comes with intrusion
detection, vpn, apache, samba, mail, etc.  More bells and whistles than
ipcop, but arguably less secure than a dedicated firewall.  The hardware
requirements are a little steeper as well:  486 or higher, 500mb hard
drive, 32-64mb ram, depending on the number of services.

Standard redhat will also work, but it would take some effort to get to
the same place.  It just depends on how hands-on you want to get.

Or you could also just get one of those dedicated firewall/router
combos.  They're quite inexpensive now, but I prefer recycling perfectly
usable older computers that people would otherwise just throw out.  And
I'm not sure how secure these commercial routers are.  I prefer stuff I
can see into and fiddle with.  But ymmv.

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