I had the same problem just last night setting up Samba, but I realized it was starting then immediately stopping, not just never starting. Check /var/log/samba for the logs to see what's wrong. Mine was looking for a host name that didn't exist, the logs should give you some idea of what's happening. I put the name of my machine in the hosts file and it worked fine after that. Here's what mine said: Get_Hostbyname: Unknown host shack.localdomain So I put that name in my hosts file and it started working, no problem.
Kerry Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] >sir, > I am using REDHAT LINUX 7.2V,in that i am trying to configure >samba,but it is not working,its giveing some prob like > if stops the service ,thts not stoping > if start the service its shoing as started > but the status will be remain as stoped > Y this probs is >i tried in my dep thats not working but,in other dep thsts working >fine.now i want to configure in my dep,plzzz help me to configure >it. _______________________________________________ Redhat-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list