> There have already been a lot of people complaining there are no
> drivers for the 845G chipset. Check the archives. The GBV has a 4x AGP
> slot though - stick a cheap card in for now.

Hmm... Google'd for it and turned up nothing.

> > Glad this thing isn't mine. The Duron's are faster and cheaper than this.
> ??? Bit of a silly comment Dave. From your comment I'm assuming the
> thing has a C1.7 of 1.8GHz on it, and true, they are dogs that should
> never have been released, BUT: the processor has nothing to do with
> the motherboard problems you are having. The motherboard itself is
> brilliant by the way. Just not ready for Linux yet, that's all. Try
> dumping a P4 2.53GHz on it and watch it's wings spread!!!

Well, that's obviously what I meant. It is in fact a 1.7 celeron. I've
always liked Intel boards, and particularly their customer support. From
what I understand now, the 3D graphics on it suck too. And doesn't it
still have the most basic 810 audio on it?

It is a nice replacement for the 810EAL P3 equivalent, though.

Further, the AMD XPs are getting better reviews than the P4s.

Conclusion: Athlon XP Has The Lead Over Pentium 4 


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