On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 05:57, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> *Sigh*.  I've been trying to drive a stake through the heart of
> that particular vampire for almost 20 years.  And now you're
> going to train a whole new bunch of csh-ers.  Thanks a lot.
> (SmileyifIdidsmileyswhichIdon't).

Why not?  One of the things about written language that's been
interesting me for several years is that our body language and tone
convey a great deal of meaning, but our written language has no standard
markup for those things.  I feel sorta like a Greek[1].

I'm not terribly fond of the punctuation abuse commonly used to
communicate expression, but at the same time I'm fascinated to watch
people evolving their written language to address some of the
deficiencies that have existed for centuries.

1: I don't read Greek, but I'm told that old Greek had no punctuation or
spacing.  All of the text just flowed together, character after
character, in one big block.

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