On Sun, Jul 28, 2002 at 10:02:10PM +0900, Doug Lerner wrote:
> I like using Entourage (I admit it!) in OS X, so I hope I can find a
> really nice, complete, multi-account, multi-user email solution in
> Linux. And guess what - I don't even mind paying for software I like!
> :-)

But you probably won't have to, which is even better.  Ximian Evolution
is an amazingly polished and powerful email client that will do anything
a commercial version will do -- except get infected by viruses.  

> And I will be looking for an Office solution, and a Web authoring
> solution too.

Openoffice probably does nearly everything you would need (including
reading MS Office file formats), though it is not quite as polished as
MS Office.  But it is free and getting better as we speak.  Write. 

I'm not so knowledgeable about web-authoring solutions, but Mozilla
Composer does everything I'd need in a web authoring tool.  Actually,
Mozilla in general is an impressive piece of work.  It's dead stable and
I'm so used to tabbed browsing that I feel hindered using anything else.

In short, linux has made enormous strides in the last couple of years,
both in terms of GUIs and applications.  Back in the redhat 5.x days it
took a certain amount of dedication to use linux as your everyday
desktop OS.  No more.  I have a secure and stable machine with every
application I would ever need, I can read proprietary file formats if I
have to, my rh7.2/ximian desktop is right purty and never crashes, and
live is good :-).

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