Hi all,
I have what I think is a strange problem. I have a 7.2 box on the net, and has a few server processes running. Whenever I access the machine remotely, the connection itself is almost instant, but then is slow. By this, I mean when you load a web page from the machine, it comes back pretty much straight away, but things like images take forever - and sometimes don't come up at all.
This is the same with FTP. The max speed I've seen this machine give via FTP is 0.5k/sec, which is a pretty sad speed.
The thing that gets me is that Telnet and SSH sessions are fine, there is no speed problem there, which makes me at loss as to what is wrong here.

Has anyone experienced this sort of problem before, and know what the solution is?
Thanks in advance.
Kevin Green
KD Micro Software

MP 107, Market City, 280 Bannister Road, Canning Vale WA 6155.
Phone: 9256 1566 (2778 internal)     Mobile: 0419 949 254.

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