At 21:11 16/08/2002 +0800, you wrote:
> > There is a Serial How-to. One reference is:
> >
> >
> >
> > I use minicom to connect to a Cisco router over a serial line from a Linux
> > box. Once I plugged in the right cable (a null modem) it just worked. No
> > tinkering with Linux required.
> >
> > Mike
>That will help him, yes, Mike, but remember he asked for a login prompt?
>You use the port as a terminal. He wants a terminal (Hyperterminal) to log
>in to his box from what I understand.
>I'm sure he does have to tinker a bit ;-)

A getty of one variety or another will be required - mingetty seems OK.
In /etc/inittab the lines

s1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty 19200 ttyS1 vt100

will give a login @19k2 on com 1
and the command "init q" will start them up.

Windows Hyperterm will work with this - I use it at work.

> >
> >
> > On Thursday 15 August 2002 03:48 am, Joe Giles wrote:
> > > List,
> > > Is there any spicific configuration I need to do to be able to connect
>to my
> > server using Hyperterminal on COM 1? I tried this but I dont get a
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Joe Giles
> > > AOL ID: mcigiles
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