Title: Re: sound for an A30 thinkpad
At 10:53 AM -0400 8/17/02, Stephen DEsch wrote:
I have no sound on my a30 think pad...when i run Linux7.1  Has there been a fix in later versions for the sound card or do i have to give up on eve having the sound card in my laptop every work?
    Stuck in silence


        Several people have noted the problems with sound on certain machines. I use an IBM Thinkpad 600 (eBay deal) with Red Hat 7.2 (Enigma) and the default (FULL) install has never produced sound.  I get "system beeps" when I plug and unplug the power cord, but that's it.
Upon startup (runlevel 5), I get the following error:

        "Error while initializing the sound driver: device /dev/dsp can't be opened. (no such device)"

  Sndconfig runs fine from the command line and  can detect the CS4232 driver (Crystal Semiconductor) in /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-2.4.7/sound/CS4232 . However, this changes nothing (no sound, even from headphones) and still produces errors.

The problem seems to be in the 2.4.7-10 kernel. Note the September 2001 section of this page:           
        http://panopticon.csustan.edu/thood/tp600lnx.htm .

The fix is noted here:

Patrick Beart

Web Architecture  &  "iWeb4Biz"         503-774-8280       Portland, OR
Internet Consulting, Intelligent Web site Development & Secure site Hosting.

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